Oneil S. Williams

A Full Stack Web Developer/Software Engineer

About Me

I was first introduced to computer science and web development back in high school where we were taught Java and basic HTML. I was able to pick it up for something extremely new to me and decided to contnue it in college for a bit. Many things happened which changed my course, such is life, but I was able to make my way back into the developer world recently. I always believed myself to be quite creative and intuitive, and coding has really helped in bring that back out of me.

My skills include, but are not limited to:

  • React

    Utilized React to handle internal state data, input data in props and to create modular components.

  • Redux

    Incorporated Redux for predictable and centralized state management, following React's component model.

  • Ruby on Rails

    Worked extensively with Ruby on Rails to create APIs, following the MVC pattern and RESTful conventions.

  • JavaScript

    Experienced with JavaScript syntax, conventions and its imperative programming style.

  • PostgeSQL

    Adopted PostgreSQL in most projects for its object-relational system, flexibility and scalability.


    Familiar with HTML elements and its imperative behavior with CSS and web frameworks.


Home Finder

A real estate hosting application in which has two (2) user experiences. As a prospective Tenant, one can view the available listings, and schedule viewings. As a Real estate professional, one can host their exclusive listings, schedule open houses, and confirm or decline viewings of the prospective tenants. Recent real estate news can be found on the home page. Also, all users are able to message one another.

Demo Github

OG Store

An ecommerce clothing store in which you can browse apparel for either men or women, add items to your cart and login/signup in order to make a purchase. Credit card processing was made possible using Stripe.

Demo Github